Education First: Albania is building a talent pool for the future – part 2 of 2
TUMO is an abbreviation of Armenia’s literary figure, poet, writer and activist Hovhannes Tumanyan’s surname – as…Continue reading
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 80%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 17.3%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 4.9%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 13%
- Paid utility bills using a mobile phone (age 15+)
- 2%
- Made or received digital payments (age 15+)
- 34.6%
Data overview for Albania
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 80%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 17.3%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 4.9%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 13%
- Paid utility bills using a mobile phone (age 15+)
- 2%
- Made or received digital payments (age 15+)
- 34.6%
Macro data
- Population 2022
- 2.8M
- GDP Total 2022
- €17.9B
- GDP per capita 2022 (PPP)
- €16,400
- GDP forecast 2021
- 4.8%
- Trade Flows (% of GDP)
- 68.4%
Banking data
- Total bank assets 2022
- €16.4B
- Total bank assets 2022/GDP
- 91.6%
- Account ownership (age 15+)
- 44.2%
- Debit card ownership (age 15+)
- 27%
Economic data
- Unemployment
- 10.8%
- Currency
- Remittances (% of GDP)
- 9.7%
- Private Consumption (yoy)
- 3.6%
Data provided by Raiffeisen Research, Sources
Articles about fintech in Albania
The bank that makes innovation part of its culture
Albania is becoming a home to innovative startups and fintechs: according to statistics, the country has a…Continue reading
Education First: Albania is building a talent pool for the future - part 1 of 2
Albania is a small country on the Southeastern Europe’s Balkan peninsula which takes pride in its big…Continue reading
6 lessons in less than 12 months
Rinno (which stands for Raiffeisen Innovation) is the name of the innovation team of Raiffeisen Bank in…Continue reading
Digital lending platform AiLend plans to expand in the CEE region
Gentjan Zotaj is an entrepreneur who brings together international expertise in Finance, IT development, and Analytics. He…Continue reading
Albania compared to other CEE countries
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 80%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 17.3%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 4.9%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 13%
Data provided by Raiffeisen Research, Sources